
Logistics Services

Our Logistics Services includes fully integrated services related to Warehousing, Distribution, Last-Mile Delivery and Order Fulfillment. The Team is able to design and deliver scalable solutions tailored to your individual business needs. WAMA Logistics Services Company will ensure your business requirements are fulfilled, service commitments are met and most importantly, customers are satisfied. Our key strength is our ability to offer best-in-class flexible and hassle-free logistics solutions to ensure your consignment moves seamless from one point to another and to keep your supply chains running smoothly and effectively. We do this through our various logistics alliances regionally and globally and facilities across the region. Our Team of project logistics experts have handled consignments of various dimensions and complexity that requires specialized lifting equipment and team of certified riggers. Within Kabul and Provinces, the Team have experienced in directly handling project logistics segments by our self or our partners at the regions.

Logistics Services

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